I couldnt go anywhere today as my eldest has been running a very high temp, and the little one has been her nurse.
So seeing that I couldnt take the kids out i thought I would do something 'CRAFTY'.
So here it is - I found this old frame that used to be in my bedroom when it was green and cream (sooo glad i changed it) and have been dying to do something with it.

So here is my latest creation. Ta Da!!!!

The frame measures 15in x 11in. I used HOTP papers that I got in my prize stash and happily ripped strips and edged them using my brown chalk ink pad. I used just ordinary PVA glue and set about layering the strips on the frame (very messy). I then went over it with the brown chalk pad again to really age it and voila here it is. I will either use a clear varnish on it or PVA to seal it.

I have a picture in my mind about which photo will go in it - its one i took of my eldest a couple of days ago. So when I have that blown up, changed from colour to sepia and printed - it has a nice new home to sit in and will have pride of place in my dining room.
You have a massive choice here - we would like you to make a presetn for someone - anyone!
Well i did - for me!!!!