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I just can't believe it!I have just been onto and this card has won the late January competition.Kate said:- very simple and elegant, and suits the picture perfectly - anyone would be delighted to receive it on a special anniversary.I am so chuffed to bits - its not often that I enter competitions, so it was a bolt from the blue. The other entries were amazing
and it must have been a hard decision for kate to choose a winner.
It has been a looooooong weekend here.My youngest has not been right since she came home from school on Friday. She has been running a high temp all weekend and she has had one of those really tickly coughs that nothing will shift. The little soul was so determined to go school this morning that I let her go. I did let her teacher know and to ring me if she started again with the temperature.OH AND I HAVE BEEN TAGGED - by the lovely Silvercustard over on have to share 7 things about myself on here, then tag 7 people at the end of my post. You also have to include links to their blogs and leave a message on their blogs to know they have been tagged.1. I had my head shaved for charity
2. I would love to own a Siberian Husky
3. I used to work as a graphic artist for a local newspaper
4. I hate cooking thats why I married a chef
5. I love to read horror books
6. My all time fav film is It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart
7. I have been to Florida 3 times in the last 6 years
Now here are the lovely people I have tagged