I had a little bit of fun making him last night :)

I found a really old pair of jeans that my large butt wouldn't fit in to any more and happily cut into them. Its great as i have loads of denim squares now that means I can make a little family of deranged looking mice!!

I used 2 different sizes and shades of red buttons for the eyes - to give him that 'strange' look. Then after I had finished sewing him I decided to add some teeth - (typical of me wait until the end and then decide to add something extra). I know they aren't the best looking teeth - but they give him charm.
I filled him with rice again as I had nothing else - but whilst I was out today I visited my LCS and bought some Habico Polyester Filling, so at least any new 'family members' will feel squishy and a lot lighter!

I am in the process of losing this one to my eldest Caitlyn as well.
Now Caitlyn also made one last night which for her first attempt was brilliant. I did have to help her a little bit - but she did great. So I will try and post a picture of hers tomorrow.
Going to get off as I have some ideas floating around in this head of mine of more 'things' to make :*)
Thanks for visiting!