I was allowed a lie in this morning - well until 8am that is, when the kids and hubby came charging into the room with my pressies and a nice cup of tea.
I got some beautiful wooden cream/brown roses from my eldest Caitlyn and a handmade card. From the little one Avie I got a handmade card and a Salt Dough Heart that she made at school. She had put sequins all over it but when she gave it to me there were none on it - so I will probably find them tomorrow when I do her room. I also got some jelly sweets with I Love You iced on the hearts (sure I seen them out on display in Birthdays for Valentines) - but it doesn't matter as the kids bought them. Hubby gave me £20.00 to spend on craft stuff - so I will be having a little shopping spree.

Well today I managed to book the local swimming pool for Caitlyns Party and its great as its actually on her birthday. She didn't want shop bought invites (really didn't have time to buy any and we needed them to take to school tomorrow) so she asked If I could do something.
Now I was going to sit and use my Quickutz and cut out letters for POOL PARTY and also the SWIMMING COSTUME but when she said she wanted at least 25 invites doing I thought NO WAY can I sit I do that today. So I had a little play on Photoshop and came up with the above invite. I also had to drive over to ASDA at 3.50pm to buy some colour ink for the printer - great time for the ink to run out!!!!!!!!
And I have to say SHE LOVES IT - She did have a giggle when she seen her head floating in space.
I managed to get 4 on a sheet of A4 paper and just cut them. They are all in envelopes now ready to take to school tomorrow. I did do some spare just in case the people she has invited cant come!
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